This is a 30-second teaser! Courtesy of Nourish Move Love
20 Minute Full Body HIIT Workout - Full Workout Here
We are so excited to announce our partnership with Lindsey Bomgren from Nourish Move Love! Check out this awesome full body workout video that you can follow along with at home!
What is HIIT?
Short for high-intensity interval training, HIIT workouts provide you with the ability to get an amazing workout that really tones and burns the muscles on a short time schedule!
With HIIT you are constantly moving with little transition time keeping you busy and focused at all times, there's no time for your mind to wander between sets since you are constantly moving!
To learn more about HIIT exercises check out Lindsey's Post "The Workout: 20-Minute Full Body HIIT Workout for Women"
Some of the Movements you will be doing!
The Woodchop Swing
On the upswing: Utilizes your hips, glutes, hamstrings, and shoulders to get that Dumbbell over head.
On the Down: Triceps, Lats, and abdomen pull on the Dumbbell to get the chop effect down into the next cycle of the movement.
Push Up + Single Arm Row
Pushup: Everything from shoulders, triceps, quads, and core are engaged and working in sequence to move your body up in one hollow press up from the floor. Everything should stay in line as much as possible.
Single arm row: Now in the plank position, the core is engaged and you will need to brace to your planted arm as you set up to pull the dumbbell from the ground using your rhomboids(back), lats, biceps, and even forearms to grip that dumbbell.
Single Leg Deadlift
On the Deadlift: Going after one leg at a time really challenges the balance, coordination, hamstrings, and glutes.