Outrunning the Wagon towards Perfect Fitness!

I couldn’t fit into my favorite pair of Ashworth madras plaid shorts this morning and had to face a terrifying conclusion: I have gotten fat. I have fallen off of the proverbial wagon. I fell off at Christmas and my face has been buried in the cool ranch flavored daisies ever since.

To say I could not fit into my shorts is a bit of an exaggeration; I was in fact able to button them, the button just popped off in protest shortly thereafter. My girlfriend burst out laughing and gave me a conceding look that said, “Okay, maybe you are right…” Lately I have been complaining to her about my apparent weight gain and she finally broke down and told me I was not allowed to whine if I am not willing to do something about it.

I thought this over as I walked into work this morning.

According to the National institute of Health, 68.8% of adults around my age are considered overweight or obese, 35.7% are considered obese, and 6.3% are extremely obese…. I personally do not want to fall within these ranks.

I used to stay in shape by working out every day, surfing, and hiking. I have, however, found myself devoid of mountains and waves lately so I must find alternative forms of exercise beyond these activities.

It dawns on me now that here at Proozy.com we have Perfect Fitness Light resistance bands, Perfect Fitness Tendon tech pro resistance bands, Perfect Fitness Mini steppers (a miniature stair climber), along with New Balance Life Trnr, Body Trnr, and Gecko Trnr fitness tracking watches. With all of this equipment at my fingertips I should be well on my way to outrunning that wagon! Luckily I get the employee discount. 

Today I will start my training. I have already begun excluding simple carbohydrates from my diet and will look into other healthy living resources to construct a regimen. I will be limiting my sodium and caffeine intake and try to drink a gallon of water a day. I will use all of our Perfect Fitness training equipment once a day and do additional exercises while monitoring my progress using one of our fitness tracking watches, perhaps the New Balance N4 heart rate monitor.

As a goal I have signed several of my coworkers and myself up for the Red, White, & BOOM half-marathon on the 4th of July that takes place in the Twin Cities.

I am jumping into a pair of reebok performance mesh shorts and posting updates on my progress every week. If you want to join me, I have convinced my boss to extend a 20% discount to any of our followers with the promo code “GETFIT” so you may purchase any of our fitness items and follow along with your own goals!

To be fit or not to be fit.... that is the question!


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