The Right Shoe for the Right Journey - PROOZY

The Right Shoe for the Right Journey

It seems every trip I’ve taken has required some sort of specialized footwear. I thought I would quickly highlight some of the most memorable ones.


Hiking shoes. Indonesia 2014. These were an absolute must. After somewhat overestimating my abilities, I signed up for a 26 mile volcano hike over the course of 2.5 days. The shoes made the journey possible despite the long days and surprise monkey attacks. Other than the view and the last 4 miles walking through a series of small, family-owned coffee plantations on the mountain, the highlight really was how well the shoes performed. Check out some boot options.


Keen Sandals. Panama 2015. I booked an eco tour through some caves and was told at the last minute by our guides to get some sort of water shoe. It needed to drain but also grip your foot better than a flip flop. After all we would be trekking through mud, sand, and even swimming through caves. This did the trick, and it brought back good memories when we put them up for sale on Proozy.


Lightweight walking shoes. Mexico City 2006. Long story short, it was hot, dry, and I was hiking the pyramids at Teotihuacan. By the end of the day, my feet were a bit spicy and so were the tamales. Check out some athletic shoe options.


The Emperor’s New Shoes. 1984-Current. I wear these everyday. They are completely custom.


Adidas Skateboard shoes. San Francisco 2004, 2006, 2008. A mixture of a walking tour of the city and skateboarding at some of the most famous skate spots in the world. On average, I covered about 20 miles per day on foot. Check out these skate shoe options.


Bonus: Kinky boots. San Francisco.  “When in Rome”.


Ridiculous cowboy boots. San Antonio, TX 2015. I took a stroll along the riverwalk and found that I was very near the Alamo and by default a bunch of cowboy attire shops. Deep in the heart of Texas.

Honorable Mention: Austin, TX

Honorable Mention: Nashville, TN

So, for whatever your next adventure is, where ever it may be, for whatever purpose... make sure your feet are taken care of with the proper footwear. And, odds are Proozy will have something to help you out.

Have a good week, everybody!

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